Page 4 - LifelineOct
P. 4


            Table of Contents

            Appraising the African American Vote             5
            Alan on Amendments                              6
            REP the Vote                                    8
            Pastors and Politics                                       10
            Special Report                                                  12
            No Time For Tea                                            14
            Reflection Poll                                                 16

            LifeLine. All Rights Reserved. No material in this issue may be reprinted
            without the written permission of the publisher. Certain materials used with
            permission or are otherwise publicly available. The advertisements politi-
            cal or otherwise are not to be perceived as any form of endorsement by the
            publishers. The writers views expressed in these reports do not necessarily
            reflect the views of LifeLine Magazine.

            Sherrill McCork       Carlisle-Miller/Studio 103
                                                                  LIFELINE is a voice, for those who struggle to have their voice
            STAFF WRITERS           PRINTING: Rose Printing       heard. The candidate you choose must also be your voice.
            Keturah Austin
            Willie Dawkins-Miller          CONTRIBUTING           As a Pastor, who has been through processes, I teach that
                                          PHOTOGRAPHER            faith  is  what  you  know,  despite  what  you  see.    But,  faith
                                         Chadwick Carlisle        without  work  is  frivolous,  so  we  must  roll  up  our  sleeves
                                                                  and do our part. That’s what this “LIFELINE Special Political
                                                                  Edition” is about. We thought it an injustice to you, to focus
           Publishers Notes                                       on anything other than this election, because when it comes
                                                                  to rebuilding Florida, we don’t have a moment to spare. The
                                                                  most important decisions that have to be made about Florida
                                                                  have to be made by you.  We must make good decisions, if we
           Dear Readers:                                          want to have better results. We cannot afford a miscarriage
                                                                  of Florida’s future. From the State House to the White House
           As we present our 2nd issue of LIFELINE Magazine,      our voice must be heard November 2. We must say loud and
           I find myself looking back at my inspiration of this   clear, “We are One Voice, One Vote and One Florida.”
           publication.  For me reflecting on this vision is
           a litany of uncertainties, but mostly assurances,      We at a LIFELINE are committed not only to connecting you to
           much like this upcoming November 2nd election.         Life, but connecting you to the “BEST of LIFE.”

           As the publisher, I am not naïve enough to think       We  are  please  to  bring  you  this  special  political  edition  of
           that  at  LIFELINE’S  inception,  one  magazine        LIFELINE.  If  you  have  comments  or  suggestions  about  this
           would single handedly bring about a revolution         edition please email us at
           of change. But LIFELINE is an agent of change,
           just as the candidates running for office can only     The Publisher,
           commit to be an agent of change. We live in a
           democratic society. No one candidate can single        Gregory L. James
           handedly change legislation, or create economic        Gregory L. James
           turnaround, or reform healthcare or even restore       Gregory L. James
           rights  across  this  nation  to  over  4  Million  ex-
           felons, it takes compromise to do that.  However,
           as  voters  you  should  never  compromise.  Your
           vote is your voice. You need to be heard. Just as

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