Page 4 - LifelineInaugural
P. 4

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       Table of Contents

       Kingdom Take Over                               5
       1000 Men Rally: 4 Years Later                   7
       Black Family Condition: Critical              13
       Let Us Make Man                                     14
       Bishop George Bloomer:
            National Summons to Ex-Offenders           16
       Wilkerson: Thank God for Goodness
            and Mercy                                                     18
       1000 Men Reclaimer of the Year Award        20
       Navigating the Rough Seas of Re-entry          22
       The Motivation of Pain                                      25
       Willie Dawkins-Miller         Chadwick Carlisle
       STAFF WRITER:                       PRINTING:
       Willie Dawkins-Miller            Rose Printing
                                                              I need you to join us as we accept the call to “Let us make
       Contributing Writers:                                  man.”  For years I have read Genesis 1:26 and debated if
       Darrick McGhee, Ramon Foster,                          “us” was a plural connotation. I no longer debate that issue
       Gregory L. James, Willie Myles                         because I accept my responsibility in making man today and
      Publisher’s Notes                                       ask you to accept yours.  It is our responsibility to speak life to

                                                              man.  It is our responsibility to be the window of heaven that
                                                              pours out the blessing. Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes
      Dear Readers:                                           into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house,
                                                              and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will
      It is in a state of urgency that I write this greeting   not open YOU the windows of heaven, and pour YOU out a
      to you.  I am sitting in a court room in Gadsden        blessing,  that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
      County with a man who has been sentenced to life        Men of God, we are the windows that God desires to open
      in prison. He has been locked away since age 18         up and pour out.  Join us to be opened up, that there may be
      and now he is almost 40.  As I watch him enter          meat in the house, so in these difficult times our people will
      the  court  room,  I  see  something familiar.  I  see   not hunger.   Don’t build another family life center unless it
      Hopelessness fighting with Hope. I see Fear fighting    is going to open every day as a refuge for our young and our
      with Faith, and I see Justice fighting Injustice.       elderly.  We have to begin to see ourselves as the window.
                                                              Heaven is not going to open up, except through us.  We are
      Here I sit, and what I hear is “No Vote. No Voice. No   the windows of heaven.  Inside of us is the blessing for man.
      Choice”, which I know will be a component of our        When we don’t do what we can do to help men become what
      national platform.    Imagine with me for a moment      they have  been called  to be,  “We  are  pouring  water  on  a
      that your right to choose has been snuffed out by       drowning man.”  I don’t want to be guilty of that, so stand with
      one  bad choice. Your  right to choose  has been        us as we make man.
      killed by a gesture of inappropriate behavior.  As      On  behalf of the entire staff of Line-Line Magazine “Thank
      the  publisher  of  Life  Line  Magazine, I write  this   you for  choosing our publication.
      letter in grief, because I want so very much through
      Christ to help change the condition of man.  There      The Publisher,
      are some men we will help to obtain liberties and       Gregory L. James
      freedoms both in society and spiritually, but, there
      are some we will not be able to reach without you.      Gregory L. James
      I will not use this portion of the page to give you
      a  glamorized  version of  accomplishments  or  an
      explanation of the 1000 Men Rally. Instead,  I am
      sentenced to petition each of you for your help.

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